| Dr Satyam Mahendrarao Shinde Associate Professor & HoD Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Satyam.Shinde@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Dr. Shinde and his group is working in the field of computational Material Science, exploring various properties of the materials.
He has an expertise of lattice dynamical studies of the materials like Half metallic Heusler compounds, spin gape less semiconductors, Drug Delivery, Bio sensors, Spintronic devices, pervoskite solar cells etc. Brief Profile: Dr. Satyam Shinde has joined PDPU in April, 2011. Before that he was associated with Nirma University, Ahmedabad since 2005.He received his Ph. D from M. S University of Baroda in 2006. He has published several research papers in reputed journals and attended international conferences. He is also reviewer of some of the reputed journals.
 | Dr Balamurali Krishna Mayya K. Associate Professor Ph.D Email : Balamurali.Mayya@sse.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Plasma Spectroscopy, Nanoscale device Physics, Statistical Physics. Brief Profile: Post Doctoral Feloow, Dec. 2006-Nov. 2008, PRL, Ahmedabad.
Ph.D. in Physics, PRL, Ahmedabad.
M.Sc. Physics, Dept. of Physics, University of Pune.
 | Dr Bharatkumar Parekh Associate Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Bharat.Parekh@spt.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Dr. Bharatkumar Parekh is a renowned researcher specializing in materials science and optoelectronics. His research interest is to develop NLO material crystal for Optoelectronic and THz generation work spans various materials, including Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP), Beta Barium Borate (BBO), Imidazole Tartrate and its derivatives, and other organic compounds, contributing significantly to the field.
1. KDP Crystal Growth: Dr. Parekh optimizes KDP crystal growth for optoelectronics, focusing on optical homogeneity and defect reduction. Refined KDP crystals are crucial in precision-dependent devices.
2. BBO in Optoelectronics: His research tailors BBO's nonlinear optical properties for applications like harmonic generation and optical switching, enhancing device capabilities.
3. Organic Compounds: Exploration of organic nonlinear optical materials, such as Imidazole Tartrate and its derivatives, leads to tailored compounds, fostering innovation in telecommunications and sensing.
4. Terahertz Generation: Dr. Parekh explores THz radiation generation using materials like DSTMS and BBO, promising efficient sources for imaging and communication.
5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Recognizing the complexity of optoelectronics, he collaborates across disciplines to understand crystal growth and device performance, driving future innovations.
Dr. Parekh's research advances materials for optoelectronics and THz generation through meticulous experimentation and interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitating significant strides in the field. Brief Profile: Dr. Bharatkumar Parekh, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at PDEU, Gandhinagar, and heading research in advancing optoelectronics through innovations in nonlinear optical material crystal growth. With a focus on materials like Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP), Beta Barium Borate (BBO), Imidazole Tartrate, and various organic compounds, Dr. Parekh's research has significantly contributed to the field.
Under his guidance, the team has produced 41 research papers, showcasing their expertise and groundbreaking discoveries. Additionally, Dr. Parekh has supervised the successful completion of two PhD theses, nurturing the next generation of researchers in the field.
In addition to academic achievements, Dr. Parekh's expertise extends to consultancy projects, where his team applies their knowledge to real-world challenges. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, they provide comprehensive solutions to industry partners, leveraging their expertise in crystal growth, material properties, and device performance.
Dr. Parekh's dedication to advancing optoelectronics is underscored by his commitment to producing cutting-edge research, mentoring future scholars, and providing practical solutions through consultancy projects, thereby solidifying his reputation as a leading figure in the field.
Over the past seven years, Dr. Parekh has also served as the Deputy Controller of Examinations, demonstrating his commitment to academic administration alongside his research endeavors. In this role, he has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth conduct of examinations, upholding academic integrity, and maintaining high standards of assessment.
 | Dr Brijesh Tripathi Associate Professor B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Email : Brijesh.Tripathi@sse.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Solar Photovoltaics, For more details please visit: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=mkDQOuQAAAAJ&hl=en Brief Profile: Dr. Brijesh Tripathi holds Ph.D. in the area of solar photovoltaics and is currently working as Associate Professor at School of Energy Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar, India. He completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur with first division. He is life member of Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) and Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE). His research interests are in the efficiency improvement of a solar PV cell using better structural design, trapping more light through novel concepts, e.g., plasmonics and studying the underlying mechanisms of interfacial charge transfer through the various layers of the solar PV device. Prior to working at PDPU, he worked at Cell Technology Division, Tata BP Solar India Ltd., Bangalore and Photonics Division, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore. He has gained expertise in thin-film deposition technologies through various vacuum and non-vacuum techniques. Further, he has expertise over solar cells and PV module development and characterization along with the monitoring and performance evaluation of megawatt scale solar PV power plants.
 | Dr Manoj Kumar Associate Professor M.Sc., Ph.D Email : Manoj.Kumar@sse.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: air filtration and Pollution control, Solar Photovoltaic, DSSC solar cells, Perovskite Solar cells. Brief Profile: Received his PhD in Physics from IIT Delh i(2009) in the field of dielectric ceramics and thin films for capacitor and piezoelectric application. Dr Manoj Kumar have developed expertise in the field of electric characterization of semiconductor in last few years and published 45 research articles in reputed international journals. presently running a project on smart mask' under startup India initiative taken by Govt of India.
 | Dr Rohit Srivastava Associate Professor B.Sc, M.Sc., Ph.D Email : Rohit.Srivastava@sls.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Global warming and climate change, Atmospheric water vapour cycle, Cloud microphysics, Ocean surface water processes, Sustainable development . Brief Profile: Dr. Rohit Srivastava, at present, working as an associate professor at department of Physics at Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar. Prior to joining PDEU he was working as a post doctoral fellow at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. He did his Ph. D. from Physical Research Laboratory under the guidance of Prof. R. Ramesh. He was awarded his Ph. D. thesis titled 'stable isotopic studies of atmospheric water vapour and clouds' in 2010. His areas of interest are Global warming and climate change, Atmospheric water vapour cycle, Cloud microphysics, Ocean surface water processes, Sustainable development. He has published several research papers in eminent journals and attended international conferences. He has been awarded with several best papers and various fellowships such as Outstanding reviewer award for 2015 by Deep-Sea Research Part II, Elsevier.
Dr. Srivastava has been part of various scientific expeditions to study oceanic and atmospheric characteristics, specially two expeditions to the Antarctica wherein he served as Deputy chief scientist of the expedition for 2009 expedition.
Dr. Srivastava is an active panel member for various educational and scientific committees specially the Technical Committee on Climate Change, Govt. of Gujarat for past 4 years. He is also member of various reputed professional associations such as Life Member of European Geophysical Union, Life Member of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association & Life Member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing. He is also serving as a reviewer of various reputed journals such as Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research & Journal of Hydrology.
 | Dr Abhishek Gor Assistant Professor B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D(Pursuing) Email : Abhishek.Gor@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetic materials and properties, Ferroelectric and Multiferroics, Thin/Thick films, Optoelectronics, Solid state devices, neuromorphic and sensing devices. Brief Profile: I have done my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from St. Xaviers's College and School of Sciences (Gujarat University, Ahmedabad) respectively. I have my Ph.D.
from Nirma University. I have been a former civil services aspirant prior to joining academics. Prior to joining PDPU during my preparations i was teaching physics honorary and as a visiting faculty.
Currently I am working on Synthesis and Characterization of various magnetic materials
for various applications like data storage, EMI Shielding, computing devices, optoelectronic applications etc. Fabrication of devices is done at nano and micro scale for their potential applications in device physics such as hybrid memories, neuromorphic and sensing devices. In addition to this, I am investigating a variety of materials for fundamental understanding of them for potential applications.
 | Dr Ankur Solanki Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Tech., M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Ankur.Solanki@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Flexible electronics, memristor, bio-inspired electronic devices, non-volatile memory, nociceptor, solar cells, device physics, nanomaterials, thin-film and device characterizations
Brief Profile: Dr. Ankur Solanki is associated with the Department of Physics at PDEU as an Assistant Professor since July 2019. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physics and Applied Physics from Nanyang Technological University Singapore (QS world ranking 11) in 2017. He completed his M.Tech. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and M.Sc. in Physics from Ch. Charan Singh (CCS) University Meerut. Prior to joining PDEU, he worked as a post-doctoral research fellow at NTU Singapore and as an Assistant Manager with Samtel group of Industries. Dr. Solanki has published his research work in well-reputed journals like Nature communication, Advanced Materials, Science Advances, Nano Energy, ACS applied materials & interfaces, advanced materials, etc. He has many research collaborations with globally knows universities such as NTU Singapore, Universitat Jaume I Spain, MIT USA, IIT Guwahati, etc. He has delivered many oral talks at international/national conferences and reviewer for many journals. He is the coordinator of Flextronics lab at PDEU and leading SERB-CRG and GUJCOST-funded research projects. to develop flexible memristor devices. For more details: https://sites.google.com/view/ankursolanki
 | Dr Anup Sanchela Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Anup.Sanchela@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Transparent oxide semiconductor, Thin film transistor, thermoelectric materials, Thermoelectric devices, Functional Materials, and Devices Brief Profile: Dr. Anup Sanchela joined the school of technology at PDPU as an Assistant Professor in October 2019. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from IIT Bombay in 2016. Prior to joining the PDPU Dr. Sanchela did three years postdoctoral work at Hokkaido University, Research Institute For Electronic Science (RIES) Japan. Dr. Anup Sanchela received the 47th Matsumoto-Hatori Award for excellent research achievements from RIES, Hokkaido University. He also received an award for the encouragement of research from international conference IUMRS-ICAM 2017. He published a high profile journals such as Small, Physical Review Materials, APL Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Applied Physics Letter. He has also made several presentations at important international conferences Such as IUMRS-ICAM2017, ICAMD2017, and JSAP meetings.
 | Dr Apoorva Bhatt Assistant Professor B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Email : Apoorva.Bhatt@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Particle and Nuclear Detectors, Neutrino Physics Brief Profile: I have done my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from St. Xavier's College and School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad respectively. I have done my Ph.D. in Physics from Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai while working in India-based Neutrino Observatory project. Prior to joining PDPU, I was working as a post-doctoral scholar at Instytut Fizki Jadrowej, Krakow Poland in Baikal-GVD (Russia) and P-ONE (Canada) experiments. During my Ph.D. I was part of the team for commission of the mini-ICAL detector. Currently I am working on Neutrino Phenomenology and Event Reconstruction for Neutrino experiments.
 | Dr Mansi Dhuria Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Mansi.Dhuria@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Theoretical high energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics & Cosmology. Brief Profile: Dr. Mansi Dhuria received her Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2014. Prior to joining PDEU, she was working as DST-Inspire Faculty Fellow at IITRAM Ahmedabad, India. Before that, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Physical Research laboratory Ahmedabad, India. Her main area of research lies at the interface of Theoretical High Energy Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology. She is a recipient of prestigious DST-Inspire Faculty Fellowship, SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship, DST International Travel Fellowship and ICTP Visiting Scientist Fellowship. She has published more than 17 research papers in International journals and attended more than 20 conferences/workshops in India and abroad.
 | Dr Mayank Gupta Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Mayank.G@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Optics, Solar Energy, Solar Concentrators, BIPV, Solar Thermals, Solar Pumped Lasers, Daylighting, Solar Cooking, Solar Desalination, Solar PV, Laser based Solid State devices, Laser Speckle, Laser Interferometry Brief Profile: Dr. Mayank Gupta received his Ph.D. degree from IIT Delhi. He completed his M.Sc. Physics from the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, Delhi University, and graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics from Hansraj College, Delhi University. Prior to Joining PDEU, he was working as a Project Scientist at IIT Delhi on a project of DRDO (Funding around 7 Crores). The main area of his research is Optics and Solar Energy. He has developed products for indoor daylighting, Solar thermal, and hybrid energy generation systems without solar tracking. He has published more than 16 international Research papers of high-impact factors and attended more than 10 international conferences in India and abroad. So far 7 patents has been granted and one patent is published in his name. One technology is transferred to the industry for the product developed based on his research work in the area of solar energy. He is also a scientific reviewer of several international journals such as Scientific Reports (Nature), Solar Energy (Elsevier), Optics Express(OSA), Optics Letter (OSA), Applied Optics (OSA), MDPI journals, and many others. He is on the Editorial Board of several international Journals. He has been working in collaboration with industries such as ReNew Power Pvt. Ltd. (Gurugram), Maharishi Solar Thermal Pvt. Ltd. (Noida), EP Sunsol Pvt. Ltd. (Chennai), Industrial Research and Development Unit (IRD, IIT Delhi), Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT, IIT Delhi) and many others.
 | Dr Nitesh Chourasia Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Nitesh.Chourasia@spt.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Thin Film Devices, High-k Metal Oxide, Gas Sensor, 2D Materials, Solar Cell Brief Profile: Dr. Nitesh K. Chourasia is associated with the Department of Physics at PDEU as an Assistant Professor since January 2025. He received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from IIT BHU in 2021. He completed his M.Sc. in Physics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has also qualified prestigious entrance exam such as CSIR JRF, UGC JRF, JEST, and BARC. Dr. Chourasia was awarded the esteemed National Postdoctoral Fellowship (NPDF) by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for his project titled ‘Surface Functionalized 2D MXenes Based Toxic Gas Sensor for Wearable Electronics.’ He served as a NPDF at the School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from January 2022 to December 2023. He also worked as a Research Associate at the IISc Bangalore and the IIISER TVM. With scholarly diligence, he has authored 38 research publications with noteworthy SCI impacts and has provided valuable contributions to 7 book chapters. Additionally, he actively engages in international and national conferences, seminars, and workshops on a regular basis. He is a life member of the Indian Physics Association (IPA), Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), Society for Materials Chemistry (SMC), Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
 | Dr Prahlad Baruah Assistant Professor B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Email : Prahlad.Baruah@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Laser-matter interaction, Laser produced plasma, Pulsed laser ablation in liquid, Nanoparticle synthesis, Laser micro-machining, Cavitation bubbles and Shock waves, Plasmonics, Surface enhanced Raman scattering, Applications of metal nanoparticles Brief Profile: Prahlad Kumar Baruah joined Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar in April, 2019. He completed his Ph.D. in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, in 2019. Prior to that, he earned his B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics from Hindu College, University of Delhi, and his M.Sc. in Physics from the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi. He has also qualified the prestigious CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET). His research focuses on the interaction of high-power lasers with matter. He has made significant contributions to the synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles using the technique of pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL). These nanoparticles have been utilized as efficient substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and as antibacterial agents. Additionally, he has explored the dynamics of cavitation bubbles and shock waves in liquid through both analytical and experimental approaches. His expertise encompasses laser-produced plasma, energy applications of nanomaterials, and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and its diverse applications. He has successfully guided one Ph.D. student and is currently supervising two more. Furthermore, he serves as a reviewer for many international journals of repute.
 | Dr Sheetal Rawat Assistant Professor Ph.D, M.Sc., B.Sc. Email : Sheetal.Rawat@sot.pdpu.ac.in
Areas of Interest: Experimental Nuclear Physics, Instrumentation, Single crystal growth and characterization Brief Profile: Dr. Sheetal Rawat, is an assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, SoET, PDEU. She received her Ph.D. degree in Physics from IIT Roorkee in 2019. She completed M.Sc. in Physics from GBPUAT Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India in 2014. During her PhD, she has done her collaborative research work at Crystal Technology Laboratory (CTL), Technical Physics Division BARC, Mumbai. Her research area is the growth and characterization of scintillator detectors for radiation spectroscopy. Currently, she is working on the fabrication of 3D printed nanocomposite plastic scintillators.